Monday, 31 August 2009

That time of year

Last week my husband, son and i took a trip out, no actual idea where we were going but ended up at a local marina where we took a trip up past the boats. It was a hive of activity, coming and going but i past the angel, blue angel and childs play, all of which my subconcious made a note of...

We ended up at a semi local park where coincidentally we bumped into my two of my husbands children, they were out with their auntie...

We found during our walk our first acorns of the season, some complete with hats and some albino conkers and some small but perfectly formed baby conkers...

What do you notice without a big sign pointing it out...

A lady bought my rainbow bunny at the car boot yesterday, to her a sign from her deceased sister to her neice the second sign as it happens, i got goosebumps. I saw her again today and spoke to her, it was her sisters birthday yesterday too, how amazing. After i came home someone had seemingly sent me a rainbow on Facebook, and then not long after i heard them mention rainbows on something my son had on...I will be pleased to tell her again that her sign has been reinforced just that her sister took the long way round. My rainbow bunny missed out on my first two car boots and interestingly the lady hadn't been to the previous two either...mean't to be!

So i'm grateful for all my signs and messages and hope that i am open and clear sighted enough to see them, the beauty of life is all around us, there for the taking, lap it up :-)

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